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Arrowhead Dentistry Blog

Getting Invisalign? Here Are 5 Things You Should Know

August 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnupton @ 3:40 pm
Closeup of dentist holding Invisalign clear aligner

With more than 12 million happy patients, it’s no surprise that Invisalign is one of the most sought-after teeth-straightening solutions. After all, who doesn’t want to achieve their dream smile without the metal? Plus, the average treatment time is only 12 months! Of course, there is a lot more to Invisalign than just discreet trays and faster timelines. To learn a few other important things you should know about clear aligner treatment, read on.


Can Metabolism Be Affected by Poor Oral Hygiene?

June 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnupton @ 11:55 am
woman thinking about her metabolism in Glendale

Metabolism is the biological process responsible for converting food into energy. The rate at which this essential function works depends on various factors, such as your age and diet. But can your oral hygiene routine also affect it? Read on to learn about the relationship between your metabolism and dental health!


4 Ways Dental Implants Make You Look Youthful

March 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnupton @ 4:42 pm
woman smiling with dental implants in Glendale

When it comes to having missing teeth, it can be frustrating not being comfortable with your smile. And if you’re considering getting an enduring replacement solution, then your best bet would be dental implants. Not only will you feel like you have your natural teeth again, but they may even roll back the years in your appearance! Read on to learn four ways implants can make you look more youthful.


Preventive Dentistry—Why Is It Important?

February 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnupton @ 11:03 pm
girl undergoing early detection of oral health problems in Glendale

One of the best things you can do to keep your teeth healthy is to brush and floss daily. Doing so can help you prevent cavities and gum disease from developing, allowing you to enjoy your days without dental concerns. However, there could still be underlying issues that you can’t see, and a visit to your dentist can help you take care of them before they cause any pain or damage. Read on to learn what preventive dentistry is and the importance of early detection of oral health problems in Glendale.


How Do I Know If I’m a Good Dental Implant Candidate?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnupton @ 2:06 am
woman holding dental implant model

If you have missing teeth, your research for replacement options is liable to lead you to a singular conclusion – dental implants are the best option. But are they YOUR best option?

From preventing bone loss to restoring bite force to maintaining the shape of your face, there are so many benefits with a commitment to dental implants. A major factor in the decision is whether or not they are right for you specifically. Keep reading to learn if you are a viable dental implant candidate from your dentist in Glendale.


Exciting Announcement: We Have a Blog!

September 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:09 pm
Lighting box that says hello and welcome next to coffee

On behalf of Dr. Upton and our entire team at Arrowhead Dentistry, welcome to our new blog! As you may already know, we have a brand new website, which is designed to help you learn everything from who’s on our team to how we can help you smile. In this process, we realized it was important for us to create a reliable, consistent, informative place for our patients to read up on the latest in dentistry. Essentially, from must-know preventive tips to the latest dental treatments making headlines, we’re covering it. In the meantime, keep reading to learn all about what makes Arrowhead Dentistry different from the rest.

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